Covid-19 has put most international travel on hold with a number of governments issuing entry restrictions and quarantine measures. Summer staycation has now become a new trend instead.
We are here to share with you some safe and fun summer staycation ideas for couples, family, kids and singles.
But the first question that crossed your mind might be,
Is staycation safe during covid-time?
The answer is, it depends on how you prepare and plan your staycation, as well as if you make safety your primary concern.
Prevent the spread & protect yourself
Covid-19 virus is commonly transmitted through:
- Direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person (generated through coughing and sneezing) during close physical contact (within 6 feet or a few inches longer than a typical pool noodle, both in and out of the water)
- When individuals touch surfaces contaminated with the virus and touching their face (e.g., eyes, nose, mouth)
- Small droplets or virus particles that linger in the air for minutes to hours (happens most easily in enclosed spaces with inadequate ventilation)

Tips to enjoy a safe and sane staycation
- Disinfect high touch points in your hotel room with disinfectant wipes
- Areas include bedside tables, phones, TV remotes, door handles, bathroom faucets, toilet handles, light switches and flat surfaces
- Social distancing
- stay at least 6 feet away from staff and people that you don’t live with.
- Carpool/vanpool only with people you live with
- Mask-up once you are out of your hotel room
- Hand hygiene
- Wash your hands frequently, for at least 20 secs every time.
- Use hand sanitizer when water and soap are not available. Hand sanitizers are less effective when hands are soiled or greasy. Wiping your hands before applying hand sanitizer might be helpful.
- Pack and bring pandemic essentials, including
- Cloth & disposable masks
- Paper towels, tissues
- Hand sanitizer and alcohol spray
Make your staycation feels like a vacation
- Take a few days off work (at least longer than a weekend!)
- Commit to unplugging and stop working
- Disrupt the normal routine
- Set a budget and give yourself permission to treat yourself

Summer staycation ideas
- Explore local parks
- Camp or glamp
- Picnic (pick a park with a restroom)
- Relax and chill on the beach or pool
- Board games
- Movie time
- Breakfast in bed
- Visit museums & galleries

Get active
- Biking
- Conquer hiking trails
- Play in the water (kayaking, swimming, canoeing, skiing)

- Facial and massage at a spa
- Go to a Fancy restaurant
- Bar hopping